Rabbi Ruhi Sophia Motzkin Reubenstein

z20160121coverstoryOn Wednesday, February 10th, the CGO will  get to meet the new Rabbi at Eugene Temple Beth Israel. Rabbi Ruhi is not the first female Rabbi at Temple Beth Israel, but she is the first woman to head the synagogue.  She is a third generation rabbi (both of her parents are rabbis!), and a strong advocate of building community, both within and outside the synagogue. She is also a strong advocate for peace and the environment. If you missed her recent feature story in the Eugene Weekly, you can read it here. We are really excited to welcome her into the CGO community!

Oscar Maciel from KEZI to visit: Media ethics!

Oscar Maciel is a fieldoscar reporter for KEZI, a local television station in Eugene-Springfield. He has been working the very early morning sift since beginning in July of 2015. His assignments have taken him all over the city, and beyond. He was in Roseburg a week after the Umquah Community College shootings as a member of the media; importantly a member of the media who refused to name the gunman and keep the focus on the victims of the event. He has also  covered issues of raising the minimum wage in Oregon, Powerball fever,  and all sorts of the everyday stories that would otherwise go under the radar in our community.

Oscar will be chatting with us about how and why he got into reporting, some of the big stories he’s covered and how that influenced him both personally and as a reporter, and we’ll get to ask him questions about ethics in the media.  Oscar is a fun, energetic, passionate guy who loves a good conversation. Be ready to ask him questions. Check out his bio at KEZI here.

Eugene City Council member Betty Taylor to visit the CGO, Jan 13th

Eugene City Council member Betty Taylor will be visiting the CGO this Wednesday, Jan 13th, during our class session, and then joining us for dinner in Carson Dining Hall.  Betty “is known for being the [Eugene City] council’s leader for education and human rights and for standing up to unchecked ugly sprawl, against automatic tax giveaways to out-of-state developers and for her persistent efforts to preserve the Amazon headwaters. Her sympathy for homeless citizens and for abandoned and injured companion animals is unsurpassed on the council.” Betty is one of the most advanced-in-years elected officials in the United States.

Betty has a wide range of interests that will appeal to the CGO, including workers rights, preserving the natural environment and open spaces in and around Eugene, alternative transportation, and much more. The students will get a chance to ask Betty about the processes of the City Council, how work gets done, and how she navigates the ethical quandaries that must arise in a public position.

Learn more about Betty here: