A conversation with Jason Lewis-Berry

m_61472_Berry_Jason_Lewis_200_1On Wednesday, April 20th, The CGO will welcome Jason Lewis-Berry, the Director of the Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Programs for the US Department of State. He oversees the State Department’s work in Latin America, East Asia and the Pacific, and South and Central Asia (quite the geographical range!). He has experience with the State Department working around the world, including in Central African Republic (as a field representative for the Lord’s Resistance Army Issues… Remember KONY 2012?), Kandahar and Afghanistan more generally, Turkey, Mexico, Bangladesh, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). He has also engaged in humanitarian work in the DRC and has a history as a journalist and film-maker.

The CGO will engage with Lewis-Berry’s experience in all of these places and talk about the appropriate role of the United States in preventing and resoling conflicts around the world (and where we choose to do so). We will also discuss the role of the average citizen in shaping US Foreign policy.

Lewis-Berry has a Master of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown and a BA in Journalism from the University of Oregon. We look forward to welcoming him back to Oregon!

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