This week we had the opportunity to see performances of the UO student show Tangled Roots, featuring CGO’s own Brittany Lang. This was a student written, directed, and acted production dealing with issues of identity in the United States. The show drew attention to the challenges of navigating the internal and social dynamics of race, place of origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and other dimensions of our individual makeup. I was impressed that Brittany and her fellow performers had the courage to infuse the show with elements of their autobiographies, and to share their pride and pain, their confidence and apprehension, with the viewing audience. Tangled Roots is a powerful production, and I felt the intensity all the more for having Brittany on the stage and for sharing a row in the theater with some of her CGO colleagues. I applaud Brittany and all of our students for looking for ways to make their mark in relation to issues of ethics and social justice. As we draw rapidly toward the end of their freshman year I am very proud of these students, who volunteer in the community, take positions of leadership on campus, contribute to the education and welfare of at-risk youth, and create and perform in a variety of meaningful ways. Thanks Brittany for sharing Tangled Roots with us; to you and all of your fellow Carnegies, break a leg!